Experiment #165, 2014: the persistence of previous forms and traditions.
Many of the values I was taught as a child are still active in me. This is why the transparent balloon covers stand out.
Das Nachwirken früherer Formen und Traditionen
Follow me. 2014
There are always dictators who preach harmful ideologies and many run after them.
Mir nach!
Experiment # 713, human vs. nature 0:1. 2018
In any case, nature will outlive man and all his interventions.
Mensch : Natur 0 zu1
Experiment # 775, current power games. 2019
In many areas, there are still many different ways of thinking about power.
In many areas, power-hungry people try to rise to the top at the expense of others. This results in mutual loss. Entire peoples suffer from these useless actions.
Aktuelles Businessmodell
Experiment # 714, creating a uniform, aesthetic movement
Das kreieren einer gleichmässigen, ästhetischen Bewegung.
Driven by the unbalance. It is fermenting in the people: wave after wave built up from within.
Von der Unwucht getrieben. Es gärt im Volk: Welle um Welle von Innen aufgebaut.
Performance No. 1908, Family Teamwork, 2 Hours and 14 Minutes
Familien Teamwork, 2 Stunden und 14 Minuten lang
In every partnership, both must always work on the relationship so that it does not break up.
In jeder Partnerschaft müssen beide immer an der Beziehung arbeiten, damit sie nicht zerbricht
Creeping tensions among the people, until sudden discharge
Schleichende Spannungen im Volk, bis zur plötzlichen Entladung
Generosity, generosity: there are always moments in life when you just have to be generous and forget about the millimetres.
Grosszügigkeit, Generösität: Es gibt immer Momente im Leben, wo man einfach grosszügig sein muss und die Milimeter vergessen.
The power in the inconspicuous and insidious processes: solar power composes music with cracking pet bottles.
Die Kraft in den unscheinbaren und schleichenden Prozessen: Sonnenkraft komponiert mit knackenden Petflaschen Musik.
Often the help is addressed to those who do not need it.
Oft ist die Hilfe an die adressiert, die sie nicht benötigen.
The artist creates a tornado in his studio.
Der Künstler kreiert in seinem Atelier ein Tornado
Breath Poetry: Shaping Poetry with the Breath
Hauchpoesie: Mit dem Atem Poesie formen
Experiment No. 887, Channeling the power of the wind.
Die Kraft des Windes kanalisieren